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Climate chart Kingston

max 32°F min 23°F
max 32°F min 18°F
max 37°F min 25°F
max 50°F min 37°F
max 64°F min 48°F
max 70°F min 55°F
max 79°F min 61°F
max 79°F min 64°F
max 70°F min 55°F
max 59°F min 46°F
max 46°F min 37°F
max 34°F min 25°F

Weekly overview Kingston

Weather Kingston 7 days

Friday 03-05-2024 Moderate rain 72°F / 88°F
Saturday 04-05-2024 Moderate rain 70°F / 88°F
Sunday 05-05-2024 Moderate rain 72°F / 88°F
Monday 06-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 73°F / 88°F
Tuesday 07-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 72°F / 88°F
Wednesday 08-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 70°F / 88°F
Thursday 09-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 70°F / 88°F
Friday 10-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 70°F / 88°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 72°F / 88°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 72°F / 90°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 73°F / 90°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 73°F / 90°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 73°F / 90°F

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Kingston attractions and Travel Tips

Kingston, the commercial, cultural, and political capital of Jamaica, is a city with a dark yet fascinating history. Located on the southeastern coast of the island, it is a city of stark contrasts and a feel-good atmosphere interspersed with delicious food and lively music. HAPPYCAR is here to help you find the best car hire Kingston has to offer so you can take full advantage of this lively city. We check the prices of international and local providers so that you don’t have to check each website to provide you with the best deals on a Kingston car hire to make your money go further on a rental car that fits your specific car hire needs. You are able to choose the size, type of insurance and pick up location including the Kingston Airport.

General Information

Kingston was established on the eve of the 17th century, chiefly as an agricultural city. By the mid-18th century, the small seaside town had turned into a major commercial port, mainly due to its wide natural harbor and location within the Atlantic Triangular Slave Trade. Kingston quickly became a major exporter of sugar to the New World, which in turn brought masses of slaves over from Africa. Today, what used to be old Kingston has merged into the largely commercial area of the city. Walking through the streets you can still see remnants of the city’s golden age of trade and commerce. The smell of creole-style food, reggae music, and the colorful blend of inhabitants remind one of the country’s African heritage.

The capital is a vibrant mixture of uplifting music, bustling markets, enticing scents of delicious street-food, and lively streets. At the heart of Jamaican culture and livelihood is music which brought us greats such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh to help spread the uplifting tunes of reggae music. Kingston is home to a Bob Marley Museum, where you can take a trip through the life of the great musical talent.

Take advantage of your Kingston car rental

With Kingston as your base, you can take your car rental in Kingston any of the amazing attractions Jamaica has to offer. The island is famous for its pristine beaches. Bluefields Beach Park is one of the most popular beaches among locals. The park comes alive on weekends and public holidays with tantalizing smells and sounds of family picnics and roaring grills, reggae music in the background, and a feel-good atmosphere make this an unforgettable experience. The beach itself is magnificent, and is large enough so you don’t feel crowded. The crystal-clear waters and powdery white sand are near paradisaical.

Jamaica is also famous for its outdoor adventures. On the eastern edge of the island you will find the tallest peak, the Blue Mountain. The area is well-known for its majestic hiking trails, impressive vistas, exotic flora, and melodic bird calls. About 12 miles north of Kingston you will find the Castleton Botanical Gardens. Established in 1862, it is one of the oldest public botanical gardens in the western hemisphere. The gardens boast over 180 species of palm and over 400 exciting specimens of other colorful flora. Many of the trees and plants introduced to Jamaica were first planted her including the, the Bombay mango, navel orange, and tangerine are among the most prominent ones. The Wag Water River, which flows through Castleton city parallel to the gardens, adds to the peacefulness and unspoiled splendor of the area.

Book now with HAPPYCAR and take full advantage of the flexibility and freedom your car rental Kingston grants you. Our quick and hassle free service provides you with a great springboard into your adventures. The HAPPYCAR team wishes you a pleasant journey!