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Climate chart Gainesville

max 73°F min 54°F
max 79°F min 57°F
max 81°F min 57°F
max 86°F min 61°F
max 91°F min 66°F
max 97°F min 72°F
max 95°F min 73°F
max 95°F min 73°F
max 90°F min 72°F
max 86°F min 63°F
max 77°F min 61°F
max 64°F min 48°F

Weekly overview Gainesville

Weather Gainesville 7 days

Friday 10-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 73°F / 93°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 63°F / 88°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Partly cloudy 61°F / 86°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 64°F / 84°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 70°F / 93°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Thundery outbreaks possible 70°F / 95°F
Thursday 16-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 72°F / 97°F
Friday 17-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 75°F / 95°F
Saturday 18-05-2024 Partly cloudy 73°F / 93°F
Sunday 19-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 73°F / 99°F
Monday 20-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 72°F / 100°F
Tuesday 21-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 68°F / 97°F

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Gainesville attractions and Travel Tips

Situated in the US state of Florida, Gainesville city is renowned for the University of Florida occupying a sprawling campus at the town center. Graced with period bungalows as well as stately Victorian Homes sitting along quiet streets lined with lush oak trees tainted with moss, the city of Gainesville is just where everyone else wishes to have their vacation. This is a charming city and more will be amplified the deeper you explore. This is a creative and diverse place, and it's evident in almost everything from community arts, festivals and events, museums, parks, and above all, food. Being one of the best food destinations in the United States, you’ll find delicious cuisines, hand-crafted wines and spirits, and food rallies to help get your feet wet. Planning a vacation in Gainesville? There’s no better way of doing this than with a rental car Gainesville service from HAPPYCAR. We will help you get better car hire prices by comparing what other car rental dealers around the world have to offer. Our key partners include Budget, Hertz, Avis and several others. Our car hire Gainesville services are focused to the client. We let you choose your preferred pickup location, size of car, and type of insurance.

Explore the city using car rental Gainesville

Gainesville is the largest city as well as the seat of the Alachua County of the US state of Florida. The city serves as the education, commercial, and cultural center for the North Central region of Florida. It features highlights and attractions such as the Florida Museum of Natural History, which houses ethnographic and fossil displays. The Harn Museum of art houses huge a collection of African and Asian arts.

Carson Springs Wildlife Conservation Foundation

This conservancy is home to an interesting collection of exotic animals as well as rehabilitated local wildlife. More of a conservancy than a zoo, the owners have dedicated their time and resources to taking care of the animals, many of which have been abandoned and traumatized. Apart from caring for the animals, the main focus of the foundation is wildlife conservation through adequate education. Therefore, you’ll be offered an educational tour through the conservancy. Admission fees for private and semi-private tours for groups and schools goes directly to caring for the animals.

Devil's Millhopper Geological Park

The geological park is perhaps the most unusual geological and historical site situated in a mega sinkhole out of the city. Surrounded by steep walls and sandy terrain, the sinkhole descends about 120 ft. below the surface protecting a miniature rain-forest. The sinkhole has been an allure for the curious for hundreds of years now. In fact, researchers have found an avalanche of valuable fossils, fossilized skeletons, and marine shells in the sinkhole. You can opt to go for a short half-mile hike around its perimeter and begin to descend to the bottom. The tourists’ center offers valuable information about the depression, and a ranger-guided tour is available on Saturdays.

Go on a road trip using car hire Gainesville

You can begin your road trip by visiting the Florida Museum of Natural History. This is a gem you shouldn’t miss when you visit Gainesville. The museum houses collections of permanent exhibits and regular temporary exhibitions. Among the exhibits, you will find the Butterfly Rainforest, the interactive Our Energy Future exhibit, and the Florida Fossils collection, which tries to trace the evolution of life and land. Your kids will have an educational fun at the Children’s Discovery Section. Once you’re done with Gainesville, drive off to Newberry or High Springs. When it comes to recreation and entertainment, Newberry tops. You won’t be bored here if your taste is for dinning, history adventures, winetasting, or dining. High Springs of the other hand offers you a chance to sunbathe, run, fish, swim, and basically any other outdoor activity.

Gainesville offers tons of things you can do when on a vacation. From the historical museums to the endless natural attractions, Gainesville tops on the list of destinations you should visit. HAPPYCAR would make your dream come true. Through our collaboration with top car hire dealers, you can't miss a car for your vacation. We have an array of car hire options ranging from economy, upper-class, compact to premium cars.