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Climate chart Des Moines

max 36°F min 23°F
max 39°F min 23°F
max 50°F min 34°F
max 57°F min 39°F
max 70°F min 54°F
max 82°F min 61°F
max 90°F min 66°F
max 95°F min 66°F
max 86°F min 59°F
max 70°F min 46°F
max 50°F min 32°F
max 36°F min 25°F

Weekly overview Des Moines

Weather Des Moines 7 days

Friday 03-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 45°F / 70°F
Saturday 04-05-2024 Moderate rain 48°F / 61°F
Sunday 05-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 43°F / 64°F
Monday 06-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 66°F
Tuesday 07-05-2024 Moderate rain 52°F / 70°F
Wednesday 08-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 52°F / 68°F
Thursday 09-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 46°F / 50°F
Friday 10-05-2024 Partly cloudy 41°F / 63°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 45°F / 68°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Partly cloudy 50°F / 72°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 54°F / 75°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Partly cloudy 52°F / 70°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 43°F / 63°F

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Des Moines attractions and Travel Tips

Car Rental in Des Moines

The capital of Iowa is known for its historical buildings and the warm welcome it offers visitors. Pick up freshly grown produce at the Farmers' Market or visit the spectacular Botanical Garden. With cheap car hire from Des Moines, you can go beyond the city limits to explore the hidden secrets of the Hawkeye State, from the famous bridges of Madison County to the stunning Scenic Valley Railroad in Boone. Discover the best of Iowa with Des Moines car rental.

What can I see in Des Moines?

Farming is the main source of income in Iowa, and to learn about it you can visit the Living History Farms. Just outside the city, you can reach this open-air museum easily with car hire in Des Moines. This recreation of a small 19th-century town shows you the agricultural history of the area. Don't miss the re-enactments, including regularly held historical dinners and teas.

Park your Des Moines car hire in the city center to take a tour of the Iowa State Capitol, the most spectacular building in town. With an impressive dome on top, this beautiful building is open to the public for visits. Alongside stunning artwork and architecture, you'll be able to see a display of battle flags carried by regiments from Iowa in various wars. One of the most interesting exhibits is the collection of porcelain dolls that represent the First Ladies of Iowa, each dressed in a replica inaugural gown.

Iowa is a state with incredibly variable weather. Summers are very hot and sticky, while winters are bitterly cold. To avoid extreme temperatures, it's best to time your visit to Des Moines for the spring or the fall. Get it right, and you may be able to see one of the quirkier annual events in town, such as the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival in March or the annual quilt show in September.

Exploring Iowa

Use your rental car in Des Moines as a chance to uncover the rest of the Hawkeye State. The bridges of Madison County are about 30 miles southwest of Des Moines and make a great photo opportunity. Immortalized in film, these covered bridges are fascinating. Be sure to visit the Cedar Bridge, as it is the only one which is open to traffic. You'll need to take your cheap car rental from Des Moines across it very slowly, which only adds to the experience.

It will take you about an hour to get to the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. This heritage train line still uses classic steam-powered locomotives. You can take a trip through the stunning landscapes, and soon it will become clear how Scenic Valley got its name! Easy to reach when you rent a car in Des Moines, this destination is great for kids.

Which historical monuments can I see?

For one of the most intriguing glimpses into the history of Iowa, head to Pella, 40 miles southeast of Des Moines. Settled by the Dutch, it features 21 historic buildings. Here you can see the childhood home of Wyatt Earp. Pella is also home to plenty of old Dutch-inspired traditions, including the Klokkenspiel, a clock with figurines that emerge each hour to ring out the time. Easy to get to with your low cost car hire in Des Moines, this charming town is one of the top places to visit in Iowa.

Getting around Des Moines

This is farm country, and you may even see people driving John Deeres on the outskirts of the city – but for visitors, rental cars in Des Moines are a lot more comfortable. Cheap car rentals in the United States will allow you to thoroughly explore Iowa, leaving no corner of the Hawkeye State untouched.

Which road trips can I take?

One of the best road trips would take you from Des Moines to Okoboji, on the eastern shore of West Okoboji Lake. Here you'll find some of the best scenery in Iowa, while the lake offers you a wealth of opportunities to have fun. The journey is about 200 miles. Your car rental from Des Moines will get you there!

If you're dreaming of using car rentals in Des Moines for a great Midwestern road trip, make sure you take distances into account. Omaha, Nebraska, is under 140 miles away, but getting all the way to Denver, Colorado, is a trip of 670 miles, and would take you almost 10 hours if you drove continuously. Flying there and picking up cheap car rentals from the Denver Airport DEN is a faster alternative.

When should I book my car?

HAPPYCAR can help you find the best car rental in Des Moines with our powerful price comparison tool. For the cheapest car hire in Des Moines, make sure you book early.

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