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Climate chart Reims

max 45°F min 37°F
max 50°F min 37°F
max 57°F min 39°F
max 57°F min 41°F
max 70°F min 48°F
max 75°F min 54°F
max 84°F min 57°F
max 90°F min 61°F
max 70°F min 52°F
max 68°F min 54°F
max 55°F min 45°F
max 45°F min 37°F

Weekly overview Reims

Weather Reims 7 days

Thursday 25-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 32°F / 50°F
Friday 26-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 37°F / 57°F
Saturday 27-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 43°F / 61°F
Sunday 28-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 61°F
Monday 29-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 46°F / 63°F
Tuesday 30-04-2024 Patchy rain possible 52°F / 68°F
Wednesday 01-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 52°F / 63°F
Thursday 02-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 52°F / 54°F
Friday 03-05-2024 Moderate rain 50°F / 52°F
Saturday 04-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 54°F
Sunday 05-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 48°F / 63°F
Monday 06-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 39°F / 59°F
Tuesday 07-05-2024 Partly cloudy 39°F / 57°F
Wednesday 08-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 37°F / 55°F

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Reims attractions and Travel Tips

HAPPYCAR, the online comparison portal, can help you find the best deal and coverage to fit your rental car and vacation needs. We search other top car rental websites to provide you with the best deals they have to offer. We offer small compact cars as well as luxury vehicles and vans and everything in between. Tour the beautiful rolling hills of Reims, France. A historic location with many buildings dating back to the Middle Ages. Only two hours from Paris. The wealth of the city is dependent on the Champagne industry.

General Information

Reims is the region of France where champagne is produced. All varieties are produced within a few miles of each other just a outside of Reims and Epernay. The offices of the largest producing champagne houses or Les Grandes Marques, have their head offices in Reims. Make sure to book an appointment for tasting tours in advance. With a tour you are able to see the barrels of champagne distilling in the many caves of chalk tunnels. Some of the caves date back to the Roman period. They are located closely to the Abbey of Saint-Pierre, where legend has it that the monk, Dom Pérignon, supposedly invented champagne by accident. Reims is home to four UNESCO World Heritage Sites including Notre Dame Cathedral, Saint-Remi Basilica and Museum and the Palace of Tau. 


Moët & Chandon underground wine cellars or champagne caves, is located in the heart of the champagne region. Here you are among the rolling hills of vineyards and can tour the champagne cellars with guided tours in English.

Marne Valley has amazing cuisine as well as champagne. The region is known as the birthplace for Ardennes ham, Rethal white sausage, Haute-Marne truffles, the Langres cheeses, Reims pink biscuits and many more.

The Gothic Cathedral of Reims was founded in circa 400 under St. Nicaise. Many of France’s kings were crowned in the cathedral. The cathedral underwent renovation in the 12th century during the Carolingian period. There was also a fire in 2010, that damaged the east portion of the building. The towers of the church are 81 meters tall. The documents of the original drawings for the church suggest that the it was to be built at a far grander scale than earlier expected. There are many controversies surrounding this cathedral. In 1233, there was a dispute between the town people and the clergy about taxation and legal jurisdiction. The situation became very hostile and ended in a revolt. Several clerics were killed during the violent uprising. The entire cathedral chapter fled the city resulting in an interdict which banned all public worship and sacraments.

Art Deco

After the First World War, 80% of the buildings were destroyed leaving Reims open to redesign the city. There were around 400 French architects who worked together on rebuilding the city. Great examples of the Art Deco style of architecture are scattered all around the city. You can easily tour the cities Art Deco treasures by foot. As soon as you leave the train station, the Cours and Place Drouet-d’Erlon there are large gables inspired by the Flemish tradition.

Nightlife in Reims is young and vibrant. It is a university city so there are many pubs and clubs to check out during your visit. The most popular bars are around the Palce Drouet d’Erlon and the rue Chanzy-areas.

Look no further than HAPPYCAR to assist in making your French vacation dreams a reality.