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Climate chart Eindhoven

max 45°F min 39°F
max 50°F min 39°F
max 55°F min 41°F
max 57°F min 43°F
max 68°F min 50°F
max 75°F min 55°F
max 81°F min 57°F
max 86°F min 61°F
max 68°F min 54°F
max 64°F min 52°F
max 54°F min 46°F
max 45°F min 37°F

Weekly overview Eindhoven

Weather Eindhoven 7 days

Wednesday 08-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 46°F / 63°F
Thursday 09-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 48°F / 66°F
Friday 10-05-2024 Partly cloudy 50°F / 70°F
Saturday 11-05-2024 Partly cloudy 54°F / 70°F
Sunday 12-05-2024 Sunny/Clear 54°F / 73°F
Monday 13-05-2024 Partly cloudy 59°F / 77°F
Tuesday 14-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 59°F / 77°F
Wednesday 15-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 57°F / 61°F
Thursday 16-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 54°F / 63°F
Friday 17-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 54°F / 55°F
Saturday 18-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 54°F / 63°F
Sunday 19-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 50°F / 66°F
Monday 20-05-2024 Patchy rain possible 46°F / 59°F

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Eindhoven attractions and Travel Tips

The Benefits Of Car Hire In Eindhoven 

Cool, modern, and filled with wonderful places to shop, eat and drink, Eindhoven is a fantastic city to visit. Situated in the southern region of the Netherlands, it is packed with fantastic museums and galleries, and very easy to reach by car. Car rental in Eindhoven is the best way to get from place to place in and around the city, as the road network here is very convenient. If you are seeking an affordable way to hire a vehicle in this part of the Netherlands, then it is a great idea to check out Happycar. Happycar is an efficient and user friendly price comparison site which always provides you with the options that have the best value for money. Only the top car rental companies are included in Happycar's comparisons: these include brands like Budget, Avis, and Europcar. Use Happycar and within moments, your dream car will be yours to rent in Eindhoven. [

Rental Car Eindhoven 

Eindhoven is perhaps best known to the wider world as a tech hub. It is home, for example, to the renowned electronics company Philips. However, it is also a very ancient city, first founded back in 1232. Medieval architecture and quaint medieval streets can still be enjoyed in Eindhoven to this day. Traditional Dutch cuisine such as pea soup, Old Cheese sandwiches, strong coffee and fluffy pancakes are served up in the eateries here, as well as innovative contemporary cuisine from all corners of the globe. Eindhoven is divided up into 7 districts, with Centrum (the old, historic center) comprising the smallest. The others include Woensel-Noord, Woensel-Zuid, Tongelre, Stratum, Gestel and Strijp. Each district has its own distinct personality so whether you are traveling to Eindhoven for business or for leisure you will be able to find an area of the city to stay in that suits your tastes. Eindhoven is the 5th largest city in the Netherlands, so there is plenty to see and do here. 

Discover Eindhoven With Your Rentalcar 

Whether you love museums or art galleries, parks or canalside walks, you will find plenty to entertain you in the beautiful city of Eindhoven. One of the key attractions in this city, for example, is the DAF Museum. This museum is a showcase of the city's design and technology related heritage and it presents you with everything related to the cutting edge DAF brand. The museum is actually housed on the site where DAF was created in 1929 (the building was a restored brewery) and as soon as they step in to the museum visitors can see vintage vehicles, rare prototypes and shiny new models alike. A must for all lovers of engineering, design, and vehicles. Another wonderful sight to see in this city is the mid nineteenth century church known as St Catherine Church. This beautiful church is a designated National Cultural Monument, and as soon as you step up to its breathtaking architecture, it is easy to see because the people of Eindhoven have taken such care to preserve it and recognize its status. There are many more places that you can drive to as you explore with your rental car in Eindhoven - the city is also famed for its open air art exhibitions, for example. 

Roadtrip Eindhoven 

Why not use your car rental in Eindhoven to explore even further afield? The city has excellent road links, and you can reach other key Dutch cities such as Amsterdam in an hour or two of driving. That means that you could take a day trip to the capital very comfortably if you want to. Choosing car hire in Eindhoven also gives you the option of crossing the border and traveling to Germany. A very popular city to visit from Eindhoven is the German city of Dortmund, for example, which lies just over 140 km from Eindhoven. Take the A40 and A67 roads in an easterly direction and after just a couple of hours' driving you will be able to explore the delights of Dortmund including the Hohensyburg Castle, the Botanic Gardens, and the German Football Museum.